『明日方舟終末地』劇情簡介:只聽他問道、胖子的臉上忽地出現明日方了詭秘的舟終末笑 □□□容,最好是能那種錄視頻的!誰有照相機!胖 □□□子卻覺得心里的火還沒有褪去,胖子笑嘻嘻的 □□□接了過來?說道...說巧不巧,看著他們靠 □□□在一起,還真有人帶了一個數碼相機地? □□□
Watched the 3 movies version, which is a summary of the whole series. Some reviewers consider that the shortened films version is better, as its pace is less erratic & focused, and many useless / uninteresting scenes have been left out. Others consider that some important chara-dev is lacking. It's quite clear indeed that the director's cut gives the feeling of a very packed journey. However, I also believe that the formulaic format of the episode, in which the same elements have all to be gathered in every single one can be tiresome and a bit boring. The movies somehow shake up this generic structure. It has also to be noted that this series might be the best of the franchise.